The Kite Festival of San Vito Lo Capo is a festival which, as the name suggests, is dedicated to kites. The festival takes place in spring and summer, accompanied by various events for young and old. Year after year, the Kite Festival in San Vito Lo ...
Surely the most characteristic event of San Vito Lo Capo is the Cous Cous Fest which is held every year in September and which greets the end of summer in the tastiest way possible. It is a gastronomic event in which couscous is the basic element. ...
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“Grazie Rino per la bella giornata che ci hai fatto trascorrere!”
“Rino è molto gentile e disponibile. Io e la mia famiglia ci siamo divertiti molto.”
“Una bellissima giornata in barca alla scoperta di spiagge bellissime e mare blu. Consigliato!”